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This course has started, but you can book the remaining sessions.

T1 2025: Chinese Foundation {8 wks}

Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm with Shangguan Lao Shi! Term 1, 2025.

Started 4 Feb
120 Australian dollars
Darwin Adult Short Courses

15 spots left

Course Outline

Chinese Foundation is an introduction to the Mandarin language delivered by the Confucius Institute. This course will run for 8 weeks every Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Welcome to The Chinese Foundation class! This will be your first step toward success during the process of Chinese study. There are only 8 lessons of Chinese pronunciation and after learning these lessons, a solid foundation will be established both in pronunciation and the basic knowledge of Chinese characters. In addition, you will also master some words and expressions for daily communication. If you want to impress your future audience with your "perfect" spoken Chinese, you should invest a lot of time and effort while studying this unit. Not only will you need to master the 3 basic elements of pronunciation (i.e. initials, vowels, and most importantly, the tones), but you will also have to understand the sound change in certain circumstances. Perhaps you may have heard people complaining before that the Chinese characters were difficult to learn. However, after studying this unit, you will find that it is indeed not the case. After finishing this course you will easily master 50 basic Chinese characters, most of which are very commonly used to construct other characters. A solid foundation is thus laid for advanced study in the future. In addition to Chinese pronunciation and basic characters, this course will also familiarise you with those dialogues commonly used in daily communication. Examples include greeting, expressing gratitude, how to introduce yourself and other people, etc. You will have a sense of accomplishment after finishing the 8 lessons, because you will be able to speak quite some idiomatic sentences which will enable you to make simple communication with the native speakers. This Chinese Foundation class is the key to enter the world of the Chinese language. Hope you find it fun and wish you success! For a seniors discount of 10% use coupon code SENIOR at check out - ID will be checked at class register. For a Defence discount of 10% use coupon Code DEFENCE at check out - verification will be required. Have you missed out on enrolling in this course? Just send us an email and we might be able to help you!


Cancellation Policy

CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS Please choose carefully as course fees will not be refunded to participants who are unable to attend the course due to changes in personal circumstances or work commitments. Course fees will not be refunded once confirmation and/or commencement of the course has occurred. ​In the event of a serious illness, you may request to transfer to the following term. A full refund of course fees will be paid if the advertised course does not proceed. Participants will be advised if a class does not have the minimum number of students to commence.

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